Warning: ⚠️ Exam Spoiler 🚧
Project Description 🚀💻🐚🔧
Exam04, commonly known as Microshell, is a project assigned in 42 School, a renowned coding school known for its immersive and practical approach to learning. Microshell challenges students to develop a minimalist Unix shell, often referred to as a “microshell,” which provides basic command-line functionality similar to popular Unix shells like Bash or Zsh.
The primary goal of Microshell is to familiarize students with fundamental concepts of shell programming, including command execution, input/output redirection, piping, and basic error handling. Students are tasked with implementing a lightweight shell capable of interpreting user commands, executing them, and handling basic I/O operations.
Key Features
- Command Interpretation: Microshell interprets user commands entered via the command-line interface.
- Command Execution: The shell executes commands entered by the user, including both built-in commands and external programs.
- Input/Output Redirection: Support for input and output redirection, allowing users to redirect standard input and output streams.
- Pipelines: Microshell supports command pipelines, enabling users to chain commands together, with the output of one command serving as the input to another.
- Basic Error Handling: Provides basic error handling mechanisms to notify users of invalid commands or execution failures.
Project Structure
- Command Parsing Module: Responsible for parsing user input and breaking it down into commands and arguments.
- Execution Module: Handles the execution of commands, including both built-in commands and external programs.
- Redirection and Pipes Module: Implements input and output redirection, as well as piping functionality.
- Error Handling Module: Deals with errors encountered during command execution, providing informative error messages to users.
- Parsing User Input: Properly parsing user input to identify commands, arguments, and redirection/pipeline operators.
- Command Execution: Ensuring correct execution of commands, including handling of built-in commands, external programs, and error conditions.
- Input/Output Redirection: Implementing input and output redirection features, including file descriptor manipulation and error checking.
- Pipeline Implementation: Managing command pipelines efficiently, including handling inter-process communication and synchronization.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding of Shell Programming Concepts: Students gain insight into shell programming concepts, including command interpretation, process management, and I/O redirection.
- Proficiency in C Programming: Through the implementation of Microshell, students enhance their C programming skills, particularly in areas such as string manipulation, memory management, and system calls.
- Problem-Solving Skills: Tackling the challenges of Microshell fosters problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and debugging skills essential for software development.
- Independent Learning: Microshell encourages independent learning and exploration of Unix shell concepts, empowering students to delve deeper into shell programming beyond the project requirements.
Overall, Exam04 - Microshell is a stimulating project that allows students to explore the fundamentals of shell programming, refine their coding skills, and gain practical experience in developing software for Unix-like systems. 🚀💻🐚🔧
Code MicroShell
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